Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme (CLSP)

What is CLSP?

One of the curricula options available in secondary education with GIIS is the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme (CLSP) . This outstanding international curriculum is for secondary school level school students in the age group of 11-14 years. CLSP , part of Cambridge Key Stage 3 helps in building phenomenal skills, knowledge and understanding among students who aspire to take an international route in their learning journey. GIIS’ chain of International Schools in Tokyo guides students to explore new abilities and develop extraordinary skills that they need in life. CLSP curriculum is available at our Higashi Kasai Campus in Tokyo.

CLSP As Lower Secondary Schooling

The Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme sharpens the knowledge and immaculate skills of students studying in 6th, 7th and 8th grade (Key Stage 3).This curriculum identifies the exceptional skills required in learning objectives for English, Math, Science and allows the facilitators to model the curriculum on how the students want to learn. GIIS aims at providing the best learning journey for Cambridge students to pursue higher qualifications like IGCSE and choose the right career paths.



GIIS is a pioneer educational institution well known for its high-quality education and ultra-modern facilities that balances student's holistic development with its 9GEMS framework and  yet a has strong academic track record in curricula like the Cambridge Lower Secondary Programme. This curriculum is a foundation for our students opting an international curriculum that immaculately builds their skills in creative thinking, application of knowledge and problem solving.

Our smart classrooms are well equipped with smart devices and latest technologies that make students inquisitive and pick the best option to progress among the grid of CLSP education.

CLSP curriculum at GIIS, often regarded as one of the best secondary level educations, is infused with innovative teaching approaches, well-structured text-books and excellent learning activities that enhances the outcome. Our most award winning 9 GEMS holistic framework is deeply integrated within the CLSP curriculum making it one of the best cambridge international schools tokyo.

Expert Teachers

Our Cambridge students are taught by experienced teachers who have immense expertise in the Cambridge Lower Secondary Curricula and who have won multiple awards themselves in their respective disciplines. Our teachers undergo rigorous training to handle the children with ease and proficiency.

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CLSP Results

Our results have been the linchpin for GIIS being recognized as the best international school in Tokyo. The CLS assessment regularly conducted by our  teachers helps in gauging how well a student is equipped with knowledge rather than memorizing the content. GIIS' proprietary data analytics driven assessment called the 7S assessment leverages our faculty's efforts to understand the strengths and weakness of a student and set customized learning paths.

As a top-notch Cambridge secondary school in Tokyo offering the CLSP curriculum integrated with our distinctive 9 GEMS holistic pedagogy leverages the curriculum and empowers students to showcase their intrinsic skills alongside academics. This all round development of students resulted in exceptional cyclic and term result accomplishments.


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Every Child has a unique learning path. Check if CLSP is the right fit for your child.

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Few Benefits of GIIS' Campus Life

Few top reasons for Choosing CLSP at GIIS Tokyo

Data Analytics at GIIS

GIIS chain of schools in Tokyo has a unique methodology to check the academic and non-academic progress of our students. We have devised methods and deployed technologies which gives raw data on students’ performance inside and outside the classroom. Data Analytics in academics at GIIS is called the 7S method, in which teachers and coordinators gather stats on a student’s marks in seven different areas of development. This includes school, segment, section, subject, subject-teacher, student and summary.

Assessments at GIIS

The CLS assessments are designed to test how good a student is in applying knowledge rather than simply memorising information. Internal and External assessments by qualified professionals help chisel the student’s personality and academic prowess into shape.

English as First Language

CLS learners develop a first language competency in English designed to be successful in any environment and to promote cross-cultural understanding. The curriculum promotes an inquiry-based approach to learning, develop thinking skills and encourage intellectual engagement. The programme is presented in five content areas or ‘strands’. These are further divided into ‘sub strands’

Cohesive approach between Teachers and Students

Throughout the program, teachers focus on formative feedback and the skills they want students to develop. When a given challenge is completed, teachers discuss with students ‘what went well’ and how they can improve further, so that students can reflect on and improve their performance. Students also produce individual research projects.

English Language Support (ELS)


Program Context

“It takes multiple years for English learners to gain a high enough level of language proficiency to perform on par with their native English‐speaking peers. English learners cannot wait until they are fluent in English to learn grade‐level content. Instead, they must continue to develop their math and reading skills as well as their knowledge of social studies and science, even while learning English.”
Source : educationnorthwest

At GIIS Tokyo campuses English proficiency is of the utmost importance. We recognize our students’ efforts and want to make sure they have the support necessary to become fluent global communicators. With that purpose in mind, in the year 2020 we introduced an English Language Support (ELS) programme at GIIS Tokyo.

GMP Excelerate Program - GIIS Tokyo

Program Overview

The mission of our ELS programme is clear, to assist our non-native English speakers as well as those students who may require additional support in order to help them acquire the desired level of English language proficiency.

The ELS programme is an added-value service, i.e., free of cost and available in our Higashi Kasai Campus.

GIIS has several different curricula (CBSE, CLSP, IGCSE IBPYP and the IBDP) in its campuses across Tokyo and each of these curricula have  specific frameworks and pedagogical approaches, the ELS model has been tailored to suit each of those curricula.

What you need to know about second  language learning :
1. Children can take up to ten years to become fluent in a second language
2. Children learn second languages like they learn their first -speaking and listening followed by reading and writing
3. While children are diverse and learn in many different ways, there are recognisable steps towards fluency that can be roughly divided into five stages. 
4.Children may work in more than one stage depending on the context, and learning is not necessarily a steady acquisition, but rather a dynamic process of ever-changing needs.
5. The role of translanguaging (using the mother tongue to better understand the second language) is vitally important.
6. Children must be supported in the continued growth of their first language in order to better understand their second.

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Programme Structure

We constantly work towards creating a relaxed learning atmosphere that helps students overcome their shyness and where they are encouraged to express themselves using whichever linguistic means they already have, as well as the varied language inputs taught during the ELS lessons.

The ELS lessons take place during the rest of their class’s normal English periods.

As long as we can, we always try to keep the maximum number of students per class at 5.

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Identification of Students

Children are identified as in need of ESL support in a number of ways:

1. Identified during admissions
2. Identified by parents
3. Identified during classes

Identification will include the type of ELS support they will likely need and will be part of an ongoing conversation with homeroom teacher, ELS support teacher and families.

Children will be in the programme for differing lengths of time appropriate to their needs. They can also be identified at any time during the school year. Needs can vary and can include beginning, functional, inferential and metaphorical levels of understanding. A tracking system is used by the homeroom and ESL teacher that identifies  levels of ability. The belief is that  the child will benefit best from being with their peers.


Schedule and Syllabus

To ensure high focus and tangible outcomes our ELS programme is well structured and comprises 3 groups.

Group E-G1 : Grade 6 (11-13 Years old)

Group E-G2 : Grade 7 (14-15 Years old)

Group E-G3 :Grade 8 (16-17 Years old)

GROUP E-G1, E-G2 : 2 classes / Week of 50 minutes each

GROUP E-G3 : 4 classes / Week of 50 minutes each

Our ELS lessons are extracts of “Cambridge Global English course book” series by Cambridge University Press, Stages 7-9. Cambridge Global English is an innovative suite of materials and content for young English as a second language learners.

It is based on Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), one of internationally recognized standard for language development

View Sample Syllabus
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Subjects Offered

First Language English / English as a Second Language
Global Perspectives
Physical Education
Art & Craft
Additional subject
First Language English / English as a Second Language
Global Perspectives
Information and Communication Technology
Physical Education
Art & Craft
Additional subject


Global Citizen Scholarship

Applicable Curricula’s:
Applicable Grades:
Grade 11-12, IBDP Year 1- Year 2
2 Years
Eligibility Criteria:
93 % and Above or A*

9GEMS Holistic Development Scholarship

Applicable Curricula’s:
Applicable Grades:
1-12, IBDP Year 1- 2
1 Year
Eligibility Criteria:
Talent Based - 9 GEMS

Global Future Ready Merit Scholarship

Applicable Curricula’s:
Applicable Grades:
7 - 12
2 Years
Eligibility Criteria:
90 % Above or A*

Hideki Yukawa Global Skills Scholarship

Applicable Curricula’s:
Applicable Grades:
1 Year
Eligibility Criteria:
Talent Based - Technology

Sadako Ogata Merit cum Means Scholarship

Applicable Curricula’s:
Applicable Grades:
Nursery, Kindergarten 1-2 , Grade 1-12, IBDP Year 1-2
2 Year
Eligibility Criteria:
GROSS FAMILY INCOME : Below 3,000,000 YEN to 12,000,000 YEN

Measures taken against the spread of COVID-19 at GIIS Campus

Temperature check through contactless thermometer

100+ hand sanitizers placed at every required touch point

What's it like to be part of GIIS family

Hisato Yuto
Father of Taiju Yuto

The schools emphasis on fair competition and recognising talent has instilled confidence in my son to excel.

Hisato Yuto
Father of Taiju Yuto

Thank you for understanding our challenges and interacting with us when we needed help in procuring the annual day attire for my son.  Small things like these have had a huge impact towards building a better and stronger Parent-Teacher relationship.

Pritam Pritu
Parent of Aniket Arnav
Mr Rajiv Singh Sawhney
Father of Sarah Sawhney

Methodologies like collaborative learning with peers from around the world will equip my daughter with the right knowledge and skills to excel in future.

I am thankful to you for taking personal interest in development of your students. Thank you for providing my daughter Ira with extra coaching in mathematics to clear her doubts. It's wonderful that you consider each of your student important and want them to do really well!

Shashank Bopalkar
Parent of Ira Bopalkar
Mr Rajiv Singh Sawhney
Father of Sarah Sawhney

Methodologies like collaborative learning with peers from around the world will equip my daughter with the right knowledge and skills to excel in future.

We are very happy with Brhas's performance at school this year, especially in Olympiads. He is showing special interest in Maths this year.

Rajani P
Parent of Brhas Srihari

Extra Curricular & Co-Curricular Activities

Identifying the unique inherent talent in every student and molding it remarkably is what adds to the high standards of education at GIIS. We offer the best ECA and CCA for learners to profoundly develop their physical, social, emotional and intellectual growth. Students are encouraged to participate in any activity that brings out their competitive spirit and teamwork culture in them.

Table tennis
Board Game (Chess and Carrom Board)
Bollywood Dance
Craft club
Spelling and speeches
Kathak Dance form
Carnatic vocal
Spanish club
Science Club
Math Club
Needle Art
Drawing and Painting

Smart Learning & Virtual School

As a global international school and academic success of our students, we recognize the importance of digitalization in learning. Our students are well-groomed for the future with smart learning facilities and tech savvy methodologies that give them heights in the 21st century learning. Virtual school at GIIS is the most advanced digital facility enabling interactive led virtual classes and lasting attention span helping students to acclimatize lessons in the similar fashion as an offline class This innovative and futuristic approach creates a fun yet experiential learning environment.

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Academic Calendar

A first hand one stop information guide on the school’s Holiday list, Events and Examination Schedule in a well-structured manner to be followed for the academic year

Academic Calendar CLSP Higashi Kasai 2023 - 2024
Holiday Schedule (All Grades) 2023-2024
GIIS Tokyo Profile

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