School Levels

School Levels

At Global Indian International School in Tokyo, we support every aspect of child development. From early childhood through secondary school, we provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a diverse 21st-century society. Toward that end, we provide a variety of programmes that incorporate industry best practices and provide a well-rounded learning experience. Each programme aligns with our unique 9GEMS™ framework, which supports holistic development equipping our children to become productive citizens and ethical leaders while instilling universal values.

Girl Looking Through the Microscope - School Levels
At Global Indian International School in Tokyo, we support every aspect of child development. From early childhood through secondary school, we provide children with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in a diverse 21st-century society. Toward that end, we provide a variety of programmes that incorporate industry best practices and provide a well-rounded learning experience. Each programme aligns with our unique 9GEMS™ framework, which supports holistic development equipping our children to become productive citizens and ethical leaders while instilling universal values.

Pre Primary

Pre Primary

Grade: Nursery - K2
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Before you apply for kindergarten at GIIS, you should know that we recognise the importance of learning and holistic development during a child's formative years. Our pre-primary programme provides a safe, nurturing environment where children can begin building their skills and exploring their talents through age-appropriate activities. By encouraging young children's natural curiosity, we begin to set the stage for lifelong learning. By meeting our children where they are, we recognise that each child is a unique, highly valued member of our school community.

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Primary School

Primary School

Grade: 1 - 5
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During the primary school years, we support holistic development while empowering children to take increased ownership of their learning. Our transdisciplinary approach encourages students to apply what they are learning across subject areas within the school, the local community and the world. We incorporate children's interests into the curriculum and provide opportunities for them to showcase their talents. Through service projects and field trips, we encourage our children to become engaged in the local community and the world at large.

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Secondary School

Secondary School (Grades 6-10)

Grade: 6 - 10
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Our secondary school programme for primary years is designed to be a joyful experience for students between 5.5 to 11.5 years. The programme is considered to be among the best secondary school programmes. At an age where physical and mental growth is accelerated and all encompassing.

At this critical juncture, our faculty step in to identify, nurture and grow the students’ academic and non-academic interests in such a way that information passed to them is measured and engaging, making the learning of the rigorous CBSE curriculum a fun and joyful experience.

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High School

High School

Grade: 11 - 12
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Our CBSE programme from Kindergarten to Grade 12 is a comprehensive curriculum which stresses on academic rigour within an environment. The senior High school programme is at par with other high schools in Japan.

An interdisciplinary teaching at GIIS gives students a powerful opportunity to apply knowledge, principles, and values to more than one academic subject simultaneously. CBSE’s global curriculum comprises built-in activities and exercises which promote cross-curricular learning.

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Value-added programmes

Our 9GEMS™ framework at GIIS Tokyo promotes intellectual, social and physical development while also teaching our students the importance of ethics and discipline. A variety of hands-on activities - both academic and extracurricular - foster exploration and creativity. School and community-based initiatives encourage children to be good stewards of the environment and to serve others locally and globally. Learning through computers and mobile devices teaches children to use technology responsibly. We incorporate our value-added programme into every aspect of the curriculum to provide a balanced education that prepares children to adapt to a constantly-evolving global society.

Our comprehensive framework is designed not only to promote academics, but to prioritise communication, leadership and entrepreneurial skills that prepare children for higher education and careers. At GIIS, we provide a relevant, values-based education that equips the next generation to be innovative leaders and lifelong learners

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